"Very fast and dramatic changes in the development of functions and structure of the musculoskeletal system occur in the early childhood, that is until the end of the 1 year of life of a child. If some interruption or omission of the optimum development pattern occurs during this phase, it may have negative impacts on the musculoskeletal system of the child.
Some of these disorders may be manifested immediately, some unfortunately much later – even several tens of years later. A big part of chronic degenerative disorders in the adult age, e.g. chronic back pains, has their origin in the dysfunctional motoric development during the early childhood.
It is therefore necessary to dedicate a great attention to external conditions, which the growing child faces. Transporting the child is one of them. The longer the transport of the child takes, the more you need to pay attention to conditions of the transport. The use of various textile aids, in which the child is carried, most often special slings, has been know and frequently used for a very long time. This method has been increasingly more popular in recent years again, after many decades of its marginalisation. The reason of its renaissance is searching for more and more optimum external conditions for a correct development of the child and at the same time, the least stress on the musculoskeletal system of the parent.
From the point of view of developmental kinesiology, correct carrying of a child in a sling makes it possible to preserve its physiological posture and centred adjustment of joints, so it does not disrupt the spontaneous psychomotor development. The child is in a continuous contact with the parent, which deepens the mutual psychological bond. It also frees the upper limbs of the parent, so that the parent can normally perform all everyday activities, while still carrying the child. Therefore, babywearing represents a very suitable method for carrying of a child with regard to preserving its ideal development and at the same time enables parents to minimise negative impacts on their own musculoskeletal system."
"Babywearing represents a very suitable method of carrying a child with regard to preserving its ideal development"
Mgr. Jakub Pokorny is a renowned physiotherapist, who has been taking care of the musculoskeletal system of many top sportspeople and individual clients of all ages in his private centre of complex rehabilitation JPFyzioterapie.
He obtained his education in the 3rd faculty of Medicine (3. LF) and in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (FTVS) of the Charles University, which keeps expanding study stays abroad and participations in professional conferences. He is focused on purposeful treatment and preventive impact of dysfunctions of the myoskeletal system according to latest trends and findings.
He is also a member of the realisation team and a cooperating physiotherapist of several sports clubs and participant of top sporting events, such as the Olympic Games or the World or European Championships.